Retainer Support

Retainer Support

Our retainer support engagement model offers ongoing part-time or on-demand support to businesses seeking long-term collaboration. Gain access to a dedicated team of experts to handle support requests, bugs, on-call, and new feature requests.

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Trusted by
Finish Line
JD Sports

Clutch rated 5.0/5

Clutch rated 5.0/5

Top E-Commerce Company, United States

Top E-Commerce Company, United States

Top User Experience Company, Atlanta

Top User Experience Company, Atlanta

Top Staff Augmentation Company, Atlanta

Top Staff Augmentation Company, Atlanta

"Code Cheetahs understands our needs and finds solutions that work best for us, giving us peace of mind that we are in good hands."

Manager, Private Educational Center

Why choose support services?

  • Cost-effective Support

    Optimize your budget by eliminating the need for costly ad-hoc fixes. By paying a predictable retainer fee, you gain access to a set of services that maintain your systems efficiently and effectively.

  • Rapid Issue Response

    When technical issues arise, our retainer service ensures you receive priority response, drastically reducing downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.

  • Flexible Prioritization

    Adjust your support needs based on evolving business priorities. Retainer support allows you to shift focus to where your business needs it most, ensuring that critical issues are addressed promptly and less urgent tasks are scheduled to minimize disruption.

Let's talk about your project.

Have a project in mind? Schedule a consultation or send us a message to discuss how we can partner.